Group 3 - WALES

  • What is the flag of Wales, and what does it represent? What is the national flower of Wales? What is the Wales coat of arms? Who is the patron saint of Wales?
  • What is the population of Wales? What is the capital city? Name 5 places you can visit in Wales.
  • Name the five largest cities in Wales and their populations.

General Information

Wales is the country in the west of Great Britain. It is mainly a mountainous land with a chiefly agricultural economy and an industrial and coal-mining area in the south. The landscape is beautiful. Many English people move to Wales when they retire.Cardiff, a large city in the south, was chosen as the capital of Wales in 1955, mainly because of its size. Since 1536, Wales has been governed by England and the heir to the throne of England has the title of Prince of Wales, but Welsh people have strong sense of identity. There is a Welsh National party which wants independence from the United Kingdom and the Welsh language is still used in certain parts of the country.Welsh is an ancient Celtic language, similar to Breton, spoken in Brittany and France. In the 60's Welsh was given equal status with English as an official language and is used in the law courts. It is taught in schools and some TV programs are broadcast in Welsh. However, only about 20% of the population speak Welsh.

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